Here is a list of all modules:
- KF-to-KF relative pose parameterizations
- Landmark parameterizations
- Observation types
- Sensor models: one for each combination of {landmark_parameterization,observation_type}
- Edge creation policies
- Struct traits used for setting different SRBA options at compile time
- [mrpt-base]
- [mrpt-bayes]
- [mrpt-detectors]
- [mrpt-graphs]
- [mrpt-graphslam]
- [mrpt-gui]
- [mrpt-hmtslam]
- [mrpt-hwdrivers]
- [mrpt-kinematics]
- [mrpt-maps]
- [mrpt-nav]
- [mrpt-obs]
- [mrpt-opengl]
- [mrpt-pbmap]
- [mrpt-reactivenav]
- [mrpt-scanmatching]
- [mrpt-slam]
- [mrpt-stereoslam]
- [mrpt-tfest]
- [mrpt-topography]
- [mrpt-vision]
- Custom I/O for math containers
- 2D/3D points and poses
- 2D/3D point and pose PDFs
- Synchronization, multi-threading synch tools
- Time and date functions (in #include <mrpt/system/datetime.h>)
- Directories, files, and file names (in #include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h>)
- OS and compiler abstraction (in #include <mrpt/system/os.h>)
- Load and save vectors to files (in #include <mrpt/system/vector_loadsave.h>)
- Networking, sockets, DNS
- Reactive navigation classes
- TP-Space and PTG classes
- Metric SLAM algorithms
- Bundle-Adjustment methods
- Feature detection, descriptors and matching
- KD-Tree construction of visual descriptors
- Cholesky module
- The Eigen3 library
- Core module
- Eigenvalues module
- Geometry module
- Householder module
- Jacobi module
- LU module
- QR module
- Sparse meta-module
- SVD module
- Adolc forward module
- Aligned vector3 module
- Auto Diff module
- BVH module
- Fast Fourier Transform module
- Iterative solvers module
- Matrix functions module
- More vectorization module
- MPFRC++ Support module
- Non linear optimization module
- Numerical differentiation module
- OpenGL Support module
- Polynomials module
- Skyline module
- SparseExtra module
- Statistics functions, probability distributions
- Fourier transform functions
- Geometry: lines, planes, intersections, SLERP, "lightweight" point & pose classes
- Interpolation, least-squares fit, splines
- KD-Trees
- Vector and matrices mathematical operations and other utilities
- RANSAC and other model fitting algorithms
- Gaussian PDF transformation functions
- Helper functions for MEX & MATLAB
- nanoflann C++ library for ANN
- Result set classes
- Load/save auxiliary functions
- Metric (distance) classes
- Parameter structs
- Memory allocation
- Auxiliary metaprogramming stuff
- KD-tree classes and adaptors
- Memory utilities (in #include <mrpt/system/memory.h>)
- String management and utilities (in #include <mrpt/system/string_utils.h>)
- Threads (in #include <mrpt/system/threads.h>)
- Adapter (wrapper) template classes (in #include <mrpt/utils/adapters.h>)
- STL extensions and metaprogramming
- Color map functions (in #include <mrpt/utils/color_maps.h>)
- CRC functions (in #include <mrpt/utils/crc.h>)
- Exception base classes (in #include <mrpt/utils/exceptions.h>)
- Templates to declare integers by byte count (in #include <mrpt/utils/integer_select.h>)
- MD5 functions (in #include <mrpt/utils/md5.h>)
- Round functions (in #include <mrpt/utils/round.h>)
- Simple mrpt types (in #include <mrpt/utils/types_simple.h>)
- Holonomic navigation methods
- Path planning
- Data association
- Chessboard calibration
- Multiresolution SIFTs (experimental)
- Feature detection and tracking
- Sse_optimizations