| |
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object)
- TMatchingOptions
- TMultiResDescMatchOptions
- TMultiResDescOptions
- TStereoSystemParams
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object(builtins.object)
- CFeatureExtraction
- CFeatureList
- CMatchedFeatureList
- CStereoRectifyMap
- TDescriptorType
- TFeatureObservation
- TFeatureTrackStatus
- TImageCalibData
- TImageROI
- TKeyPointMethod
- TKeyPointTraits_mrpt_vision_TKeyPoint_templ_mrpt_img_TPixelCoord_t
- TKeyPointTraits_mrpt_vision_TKeyPoint_templ_mrpt_img_TPixelCoordf_t
- TKeyPoint_templ_mrpt_img_TPixelCoordf_t
- TListIdx
- TMultiResMatchingOutput
- TRelativeFeaturePos
- TSequenceFeatureObservations
class CFeatureExtraction(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
The central class from which images can be analyzed in search of different
kinds of interest points and descriptors computed for them.
To extract features from an image, create an instance of
fill out its CFeatureExtraction::options field, including the algorithm to
use (see
CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::featsType), and call
This will return a set of features of the class mrpt::vision::CFeature,
which include
details for each interest point as well as the desired descriptors and/or
By default, a 21x21 patch is extracted for each detected feature. If the
patch is not needed,
set patchSize to 0 in CFeatureExtraction::options
The implemented detection algorithms are (see
- KLT (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi): A detector (no descriptor vector).
- Harris: A detector (no descriptor vector).
- BCD (Binary Corner Detector): A detector (no descriptor vector) (Not
implemented yet).
- SIFT: An implementation of the SIFT detector and descriptor. The
implemention may be selected with
- SURF: OpenCV's implementation of SURF detector and descriptor.
- The FAST feature detector (OpenCV's implementation)
Additionally, given a list of interest points onto an image, the following
descriptors can be computed for each point by calling
CFeatureExtraction::computeDescriptors :
- SIFT descriptor (Lowe's descriptors).
- SURF descriptor (OpenCV's implementation - Requires OpenCV 1.1.0 from
or later).
- Intensity-domain spin images (SpinImage): Creates a vector descriptor
with the 2D histogram as a single row.
- A circular patch in polar coordinates (Polar images): The matrix
descriptor is a 2D polar image centered at the interest point.
- A log-polar image patch (Log-polar images): The matrix descriptor is
2D log-polar image centered at the interest point.
The descriptor "Intensity-domain spin images" is described in "A
sparse texture representation using affine-invariant regions", S Lazebnik, C
Schmid, J Ponce, 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision.
mrpt::vision::CFeature |
- Method resolution order:
- CFeatureExtraction
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::operator=(const class mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction &) --> class mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction &
- computeDescriptors(...)
- computeDescriptors(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, in_img: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, inout_features: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, in_descriptor_list: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TDescriptorType) -> None
Compute one (or more) descriptors for the given set of interest
points onto the image, which may have been filled out manually or
(input) The image from where to
compute the descriptors.
(input/output) The
list of features whose descriptors are going to be computed.
(input) The bitwise OR of one or several
descriptors defined in TDescriptorType.
Each value in "in_descriptor_list" represents one descriptor to be
computed, for example:
The SIFT descriptors for already located features can only be
computed through the Hess and
CSBinary implementations which may be specified in
This call will also use additional parameters from
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::computeDescriptors(const class mrpt::img::CImage &, class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &, enum mrpt::vision::TDescriptorType) --> void
- detectFeatures(...)
- detectFeatures(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. detectFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, img: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, feats: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
2. detectFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, img: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, feats: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, init_ID: int) -> None
3. detectFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, img: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, feats: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, init_ID: int, nDesiredFeatures: int) -> None
4. detectFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction, img: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, feats: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, init_ID: int, nDesiredFeatures: int, ROI: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TImageROI) -> None
Extract features from the image based on the method defined in
(input) The image from where to extract the
(output) A complete list of features (containing
a patch for each one of them if options.patchsize > 0).
(op. input) Number of features to be extracted.
Default: all possible.
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::detectFeatures(const class mrpt::img::CImage &, class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const struct mrpt::vision::TImageROI &) --> void
Data descriptors defined here:
- options
- profiler
Data and other attributes defined here:
- OpenCV = <TSIFTImplementation.OpenCV: 4>
- TOptions = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction.TOptions'>
- The set of parameters for all the detectors & descriptor algorithms
- TSIFTImplementation = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureExtraction.TSIFTImplementation'>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class CFeatureList(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A list of visual features, to be used as output by detectors, as
input/output by trackers, etc. |
- Method resolution order:
- CFeatureList
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::operator=(const class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &) --> class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &
- clear(...)
- clear(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::clear() --> void
- copyListFrom(...)
- copyListFrom(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, otherList: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
Copies the content of another CFeatureList inside this one. The inner
features are also copied.
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::copyListFrom(const class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &) --> void
- empty(...)
- empty(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> bool
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::empty() const --> bool
- getFeatureID(...)
- getFeatureID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> int
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getFeatureID(size_t) const --> unsigned long
- getFeatureResponse(...)
- getFeatureResponse(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> float
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getFeatureResponse(size_t) const --> float
- getFeatureX(...)
- getFeatureX(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> float
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getFeatureX(size_t) const --> float
- getFeatureY(...)
- getFeatureY(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> float
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getFeatureY(size_t) const --> float
- getMaxID(...)
- getMaxID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> int
Get the maximum ID into the list
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getMaxID() const --> unsigned long
- getScale(...)
- getScale(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> float
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getScale(size_t) const --> float
- getTrackStatus(...)
- getTrackStatus(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::getTrackStatus(size_t) --> enum mrpt::vision::TFeatureTrackStatus
- get_type(...)
- get_type(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod
The type of the first feature in the list
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::get_type() const --> enum mrpt::vision::TKeyPointMethod
- isPointFeature(...)
- isPointFeature(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int) -> bool
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::isPointFeature(size_t) const --> bool
- kdtree_distance(...)
- kdtree_distance(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, p1: float, idx_p2: int, size: int) -> float
Returns the distance between the vector "p1[0:size-1]" and the data
point with index "idx_p2" stored in the class:
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::kdtree_distance(const float *, size_t, size_t) const --> float
- kdtree_get_point_count(...)
- kdtree_get_point_count(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> int
Must return the number of data points
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::kdtree_get_point_count() const --> size_t
- kdtree_get_pt(...)
- kdtree_get_pt(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, idx: int, dim: int) -> float
Returns the dim'th component of the idx'th point in the class:
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::kdtree_get_pt(size_t, int) const --> float
- loadFromTextFile(...)
- loadFromTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, fileName: str) -> None
Save feature list to a text file
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::loadFromTextFile(const std::string &) --> void
- mark_as_outdated(...)
- mark_as_outdated(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::mark_as_outdated() const --> void
- mark_kdtree_as_outdated(...)
- mark_kdtree_as_outdated(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
Call this when the list of features has been modified so the KD-tree is
marked as outdated.
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::mark_kdtree_as_outdated() const --> void
- resize(...)
- resize(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, N: int) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::resize(size_t) --> void
- saveToTextFile(...)
- saveToTextFile(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. saveToTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, fileName: str) -> None
2. saveToTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, fileName: str, APPEND: bool) -> None
Save feature list to a text file
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::saveToTextFile(const std::string &, bool) --> void
- setFeatureID(...)
- setFeatureID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, id: int) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureID(size_t, unsigned long) --> void
- setFeatureResponse(...)
- setFeatureResponse(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, r: float) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureResponse(size_t, float) --> void
- setFeatureX(...)
- setFeatureX(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, x: float) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureX(size_t, float) --> void
- setFeatureXf(...)
- setFeatureXf(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, x: float) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureXf(size_t, float) --> void
- setFeatureY(...)
- setFeatureY(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, y: float) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureY(size_t, float) --> void
- setFeatureYf(...)
- setFeatureYf(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, y: float) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setFeatureYf(size_t, float) --> void
- setScale(...)
- setScale(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, s: int) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setScale(size_t, uint8_t) --> void
- setTrackStatus(...)
- setTrackStatus(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, i: int, s: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::setTrackStatus(size_t, enum mrpt::vision::TFeatureTrackStatus) --> void
- size(...)
- size(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> int
C++: mrpt::vision::CFeatureList::size() const --> size_t
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class CMatchedFeatureList(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A list of features |
- Method resolution order:
- CMatchedFeatureList
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::operator=(const class mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList &) --> class mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList &
- getBothFeatureLists(...)
- getBothFeatureLists(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, list1: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList, list2: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CFeatureList) -> None
Returns the matching features as two separate CFeatureLists
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::getBothFeatureLists(class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &, class mrpt::vision::CFeatureList &) --> void
- getMaxID(...)
- getMaxID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, idx: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx, firstListID: int, secondListID: int) -> None
Returns the maximum ID of the features in the list. If the max ID has
been already set up, this method just returns it.
Otherwise, this method finds, stores and returns it.
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::getMaxID(const enum mrpt::vision::TListIdx &, unsigned long &, unsigned long &) --> void
- get_type(...)
- get_type(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod
The type of the first feature in the list
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::get_type() const --> enum mrpt::vision::TKeyPointMethod
- saveToTextFile(...)
- saveToTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, fileName: str) -> None
Save list of matched features to a text file
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::saveToTextFile(const std::string &) --> void
- setLeftMaxID(...)
- setLeftMaxID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, leftID: int) -> None
Explicitly set the max IDs values to certain values
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::setLeftMaxID(const unsigned long &) --> void
- setMaxIDs(...)
- setMaxIDs(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, leftID: int, rightID: int) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::setMaxIDs(const unsigned long &, const unsigned long &) --> void
- setRightMaxID(...)
- setRightMaxID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, rightID: int) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::setRightMaxID(const unsigned long &) --> void
- updateMaxID(...)
- updateMaxID(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CMatchedFeatureList, idx: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx) -> None
Updates the value of the maximum ID of the features in the matched list,
i.e. it explicitly searches for the max ID and updates the member
C++: mrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList::updateMaxID(const enum mrpt::vision::TListIdx &) --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class CStereoRectifyMap(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
Use this class to rectify stereo images if the same distortion maps are
reused over and over again.
The rectify maps are cached internally and only computed once for the
camera parameters.
The stereo camera calibration must be supplied in a
mrpt::util::TStereoCamera structure
(which provides method for loading from a plain text config file) or
directly from the
parameters of a mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages object.
Remember that the rectified images have a different set of intrinsic
parameters than the
original images, which can be retrieved with
Works with grayscale or color images.
Refer to the program stereo-calib-gui for a tool that generates the
required stereo camera parameters
from a set of stereo images of a checkerboard.
Example of usage with mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages:
Read also the tutorial page online:
CUndistortMap, mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages,
mrpt::img::TCamera, the application
* href="http://www.mrpt.org/Application:camera-calib" >camera-calib for
calibrating a camera.
This class provides a uniform wrap over different OpenCV versions. The
"alpha" parameter is ignored if built against OpenCV 2.0.X |
- Method resolution order:
- CStereoRectifyMap
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::operator=(const class mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap &) --> class mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap &
- enableBothCentersCoincide(...)
- enableBothCentersCoincide(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. enableBothCentersCoincide(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> None
2. enableBothCentersCoincide(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, enable: bool) -> None
If enabled (default=false), the principal points in both output images
will coincide.
Call this method before building the rectification maps, otherwise
they'll be marked as invalid.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::enableBothCentersCoincide(bool) --> void
- enableResizeOutput(...)
- enableResizeOutput(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. enableResizeOutput(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, enable: bool) -> None
2. enableResizeOutput(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, enable: bool, target_width: int) -> None
3. enableResizeOutput(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, enable: bool, target_width: int, target_height: int) -> None
If enabled, the computed maps will rectify images to a size different
than their original size.
Call this method before building the rectification maps, otherwise
they'll be marked as invalid.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::enableResizeOutput(bool, unsigned int, unsigned int) --> void
- getAlpha(...)
- getAlpha(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> float
Return the parameter
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getAlpha() const --> double
- getCameraParams(...)
- getCameraParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TStereoCamera
Returns the camera parameters which were used to generate the distortion
map, as passed by the user to
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getCameraParams() const --> const class mrpt::img::TStereoCamera &
- getInterpolationMethod(...)
- getInterpolationMethod(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TInterpolationMethod
Get the currently selected interpolation method
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getInterpolationMethod() const --> enum mrpt::img::TInterpolationMethod
- getLeftCameraRot(...)
- getLeftCameraRot(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.poses.CPose3DQuat
After computing the rectification maps, get the rotation applied to the
left/right camera so their virtual image plane is the same after
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getLeftCameraRot() const --> const class mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat &
- getRectifiedImageParams(...)
- getRectifiedImageParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TStereoCamera
After computing the rectification maps, this method retrieves the
calibration parameters of the rectified images
(which won't have any distortion).
std::exception If the rectification maps have not been
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getRectifiedImageParams() const --> const class mrpt::img::TStereoCamera &
- getRectifiedLeftImageParams(...)
- getRectifiedLeftImageParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TCamera
Just like but for the left camera only
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getRectifiedLeftImageParams() const --> const class mrpt::img::TCamera &
- getRectifiedRightImageParams(...)
- getRectifiedRightImageParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TCamera
Just like but for the right camera only
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getRectifiedRightImageParams() const --> const class mrpt::img::TCamera &
- getResizeOutputSize(...)
- getResizeOutputSize(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TPixelCoord
Only when returns true, this gets the target
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getResizeOutputSize() const --> struct mrpt::img::TPixelCoord
- getRightCameraRot(...)
- getRightCameraRot(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.poses.CPose3DQuat
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::getRightCameraRot() const --> const class mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat &
- isEnabledBothCentersCoincide(...)
- isEnabledBothCentersCoincide(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> bool
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::isEnabledBothCentersCoincide() const --> bool
- isEnabledResizeOutput(...)
- isEnabledResizeOutput(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> bool
Returns whether resizing is enabled (default=false)
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::isEnabledResizeOutput() const --> bool
- isSet(...)
- isSet(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap) -> bool
Returns true if has been already called, false
Can be used within loops to determine the first usage of the object and
when it needs to be initialized.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::isSet() const --> bool
- rectify(...)
- rectify(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. rectify(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, in_left_image: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, in_right_image: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, out_left_image: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage, out_right_image: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.CImage) -> None
Rectify the input image pair and save the result in a different output
images - must have been set prior to calling this.
The previous contents of the output images are completely ignored, but
if they are already of the
correct size and type, allocation time will be saved.
Recall that provides you the new intrinsic
parameters of these images.
std::exception If the rectification maps have not been
The same image CANNOT be at the same time input and output, in
which case an exception will be raised (but see the overloaded version
for in-place rectification)
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::rectify(const class mrpt::img::CImage &, const class mrpt::img::CImage &, class mrpt::img::CImage &, class mrpt::img::CImage &) const --> void
2. rectify(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, stereo_image_observation: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.obs.CObservationStereoImages) -> None
3. rectify(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, stereo_image_observation: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.obs.CObservationStereoImages, use_internal_mem_cache: bool) -> None
Overloaded version for in-place rectification of image pairs stored in a
Upon return, the new camera intrinsic parameters will be already stored
in the observation object.
If is set to (recommended), will reuse
over and over again the same
auxiliary images (kept internally to this object) needed for in-place
The only reason not to enable this cache is when multiple threads can
invoke this method simultaneously.
This method uses the left & right camera rotations computed by the
rectification map to update
mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages::cameraPose (left camera wrt
the robot frame) and
mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages::rightCameraPose (right wrt
left camera).
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::rectify(class mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages &, const bool) const --> void
- setAlpha(...)
- setAlpha(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, alpha: float) -> None
Sets the parameter which controls the zoom in/out of the
rectified images, such that:
- alpha=0 => rectified images are zoom in so that only valid pixels are
- alpha=1 => rectified images will contain large "black areas" but no
pixel from the original image will be lost.
Intermediary values leads to intermediary results.
Its default value (-1) means auto guess by the OpenCV's algorithm.
Call this method before building the rectification maps, otherwise
they'll be marked as invalid.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::setAlpha(double) --> void
- setFromCamParams(...)
- setFromCamParams(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. setFromCamParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, params: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TStereoCamera) -> None
Prepares the mapping from the intrinsic, distortion and relative pose
parameters of a stereo camera.
Must be called before invoking
The parameter can be changed with before invoking
this method; otherwise, the current rectification maps will be marked as
invalid and should be prepared again.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::setFromCamParams(const class mrpt::img::TStereoCamera &) --> void
2. setFromCamParams(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, stereo_obs: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.obs.CObservationStereoImages) -> None
A wrapper to which takes the parameters from an
stereo observation object
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::setFromCamParams(const class mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages &) --> void
- setInterpolationMethod(...)
- setInterpolationMethod(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.CStereoRectifyMap, interp: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.img.TInterpolationMethod) -> None
Change remap interpolation method (default=Lineal). This parameter can
be safely changed at any instant without consequences.
C++: mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::setInterpolationMethod(const enum mrpt::img::TInterpolationMethod) --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TDescriptorType(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TDescriptorType
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __and__(...)
- __and__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __eq__(...)
- __eq__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ge__(...)
- __ge__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __getstate__(...)
- __getstate__(self: object) -> int
- __gt__(...)
- __gt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __hash__(...)
- __hash__(self: object) -> int
- __index__(...)
- __index__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TDescriptorType) -> int
- __init__(...)
- __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TDescriptorType, value: int) -> None
- __int__(...)
- __int__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TDescriptorType) -> int
- __invert__(...)
- __invert__(self: object) -> object
- __le__(...)
- __le__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __lt__(...)
- __lt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ne__(...)
- __ne__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __or__(...)
- __or__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rand__(...)
- __rand__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __repr__(...)
- __repr__(self: object) -> str
- __ror__(...)
- __ror__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rxor__(...)
- __rxor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __setstate__(...)
- __setstate__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TDescriptorType, state: int) -> None
- __str__ = name(...)
- name(self: handle) -> str
- __xor__(...)
- __xor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
Readonly properties defined here:
- __members__
- name
- name(self: handle) -> str
- value
Data and other attributes defined here:
- descAny = <TDescriptorType.descAny: 0>
- descBLD = <TDescriptorType.descBLD: 64>
- descLATCH = <TDescriptorType.descLATCH: 128>
- descLogPolarImages = <TDescriptorType.descLogPolarImages: 16>
- descORB = <TDescriptorType.descORB: 32>
- descPolarImages = <TDescriptorType.descPolarImages: 8>
- descSIFT = <TDescriptorType.descSIFT: 1>
- descSURF = <TDescriptorType.descSURF: 2>
- descSpinImages = <TDescriptorType.descSpinImages: 4>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TFeatureTrackStatus(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TFeatureTrackStatus
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __and__(...)
- __and__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __eq__(...)
- __eq__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ge__(...)
- __ge__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __getstate__(...)
- __getstate__(self: object) -> int
- __gt__(...)
- __gt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __hash__(...)
- __hash__(self: object) -> int
- __index__(...)
- __index__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus) -> int
- __init__(...)
- __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus, value: int) -> None
- __int__(...)
- __int__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus) -> int
- __invert__(...)
- __invert__(self: object) -> object
- __le__(...)
- __le__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __lt__(...)
- __lt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ne__(...)
- __ne__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __or__(...)
- __or__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rand__(...)
- __rand__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __repr__(...)
- __repr__(self: object) -> str
- __ror__(...)
- __ror__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rxor__(...)
- __rxor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __setstate__(...)
- __setstate__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TFeatureTrackStatus, state: int) -> None
- __str__ = name(...)
- name(self: handle) -> str
- __xor__(...)
- __xor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
Readonly properties defined here:
- __members__
- name
- name(self: handle) -> str
- value
Data and other attributes defined here:
- status_IDLE = <TFeatureTrackStatus.status_IDLE: 0>
- status_LOST = <TFeatureTrackStatus.status_LOST: 10>
- status_OOB = <TFeatureTrackStatus.status_OOB: 1>
- status_TRACKED = <TFeatureTrackStatus.status_TRACKED: 5>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TImageROI(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A structure for defining a ROI within an image |
- Method resolution order:
- TImageROI
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TImageROI) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TImageROI, x1: int, x2: int, y1: int, y2: int) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TImageROI, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TImageROI) -> None
Data descriptors defined here:
- xMax
- xMin
- yMax
- yMin
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TKeyPointMethod(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TKeyPointMethod
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __and__(...)
- __and__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __eq__(...)
- __eq__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ge__(...)
- __ge__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __getstate__(...)
- __getstate__(self: object) -> int
- __gt__(...)
- __gt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __hash__(...)
- __hash__(self: object) -> int
- __index__(...)
- __index__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod) -> int
- __init__(...)
- __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod, value: int) -> None
- __int__(...)
- __int__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod) -> int
- __invert__(...)
- __invert__(self: object) -> object
- __le__(...)
- __le__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __lt__(...)
- __lt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ne__(...)
- __ne__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __or__(...)
- __or__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rand__(...)
- __rand__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __repr__(...)
- __repr__(self: object) -> str
- __ror__(...)
- __ror__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rxor__(...)
- __rxor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __setstate__(...)
- __setstate__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TKeyPointMethod, state: int) -> None
- __str__ = name(...)
- name(self: handle) -> str
- __xor__(...)
- __xor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
Readonly properties defined here:
- __members__
- name
- name(self: handle) -> str
- value
Data and other attributes defined here:
- featAKAZE = <TKeyPointMethod.featAKAZE: 11>
- featBeacon = <TKeyPointMethod.featBeacon: 5>
- featFAST = <TKeyPointMethod.featFAST: 6>
- featHarris = <TKeyPointMethod.featHarris: 1>
- featKLT = <TKeyPointMethod.featKLT: 0>
- featLSD = <TKeyPointMethod.featLSD: 12>
- featNotDefined = <TKeyPointMethod.featNotDefined: -1>
- featORB = <TKeyPointMethod.featORB: 10>
- featSIFT = <TKeyPointMethod.featSIFT: 3>
- featSURF = <TKeyPointMethod.featSURF: 4>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TListIdx(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- TListIdx
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __and__(...)
- __and__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __eq__(...)
- __eq__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ge__(...)
- __ge__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __getstate__(...)
- __getstate__(self: object) -> int
- __gt__(...)
- __gt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __hash__(...)
- __hash__(self: object) -> int
- __index__(...)
- __index__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx) -> int
- __init__(...)
- __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx, value: int) -> None
- __int__(...)
- __int__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx) -> int
- __invert__(...)
- __invert__(self: object) -> object
- __le__(...)
- __le__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __lt__(...)
- __lt__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __ne__(...)
- __ne__(self: object, other: object) -> bool
- __or__(...)
- __or__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rand__(...)
- __rand__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __repr__(...)
- __repr__(self: object) -> str
- __ror__(...)
- __ror__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __rxor__(...)
- __rxor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
- __setstate__(...)
- __setstate__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TListIdx, state: int) -> None
- __str__ = name(...)
- name(self: handle) -> str
- __xor__(...)
- __xor__(self: object, other: object) -> object
Readonly properties defined here:
- __members__
- name
- name(self: handle) -> str
- value
Data and other attributes defined here:
- bothLists = <TListIdx.bothLists: 2>
- firstList = <TListIdx.firstList: 0>
- secondList = <TListIdx.secondList: 1>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TMatchingOptions(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) |
A structure containing options for the matching |
- Method resolution order:
- TMatchingOptions
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __eq__(...)
- __eq__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions, o: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions) -> bool
C++: mrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions::operator==(const struct mrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions &) const --> bool
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions, o: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions::operator=(const struct mrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions &) --> void
- loadFromConfigFile(...)
- loadFromConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions, source: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions::loadFromConfigFile(const class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) --> void
Data descriptors defined here:
- F
- addMatches
- enable_robust_1to1_match
- epipolar_TH
- estimateDepth
- hasFundamentalMatrix
- matching_method
- maxDepthThreshold
- maxEDD_TH
- maxEDSD_TH
- maxORB_dist
- maxSAD_TH
- max_disp
- minCC_TH
- minDCC_TH
- min_disp
- parallelOpticalAxis
- rCC_TH
- useDisparityLimits
- useEpipolarRestriction
- useXRestriction
Data and other attributes defined here:
- TMatchingMethod = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMatchingOptions.TMatchingMethod'>
- __hash__ = None
- mmCorrelation = <TMatchingMethod.mmCorrelation: 0>
- mmDescriptorORB = <TMatchingMethod.mmDescriptorORB: 4>
- mmDescriptorSIFT = <TMatchingMethod.mmDescriptorSIFT: 1>
- mmDescriptorSURF = <TMatchingMethod.mmDescriptorSURF: 2>
- mmSAD = <TMatchingMethod.mmSAD: 3>
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions:
- dumpToConsole(...)
- dumpToConsole(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) -> None
Just like but sending the text to the console
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::dumpToConsole() const --> void
- loadFromConfigFileName(...)
- loadFromConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like loadFromConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name
and a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to load
the file.
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFile(...)
- saveToConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, target: mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
This method saves the options to a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored
string list.
loadFromConfigFile, saveToConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFile(class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) const --> void
- saveToConfigFileName(...)
- saveToConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like saveToConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name and
a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to save the
saveToConfigFile, loadFromConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) const --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TMultiResDescMatchOptions(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) |
Struct containing the options when matching multi-resolution SIFT-like
descriptors |
- Method resolution order:
- TMultiResDescMatchOptions
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, _useOriFilter: bool, _oriThreshold: float, _useDepthFilter: bool, _th: float, _th2: float, _lwscl1: int, _lwscl2: int, _hwscl1: int, _hwscl2: int, _searchAreaSize: int, _lsth: int, _tsth: int, _minFeaturesToFind: int, _minFeaturesToBeLost: int) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions) -> None
4. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions::operator=(const struct mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions &) --> struct mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions &
- loadFromConfigFile(...)
- loadFromConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, cfg: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions::loadFromConfigFile(const class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFile(...)
- saveToConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescMatchOptions, cfg: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions::saveToConfigFile(class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) const --> void
Data descriptors defined here:
- highScl1
- highScl2
- lastSeenThreshold
- lowScl1
- lowScl2
- matchingRatioThreshold
- matchingThreshold
- minFeaturesToBeLost
- minFeaturesToFind
- oriThreshold
- searchAreaSize
- timesSeenThreshold
- useDepthFilter
- useOriFilter
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions:
- dumpToConsole(...)
- dumpToConsole(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) -> None
Just like but sending the text to the console
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::dumpToConsole() const --> void
- loadFromConfigFileName(...)
- loadFromConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like loadFromConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name
and a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to load
the file.
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFileName(...)
- saveToConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like saveToConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name and
a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to save the
saveToConfigFile, loadFromConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) const --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TMultiResDescOptions(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) |
Struct containing the options when computing the multi-resolution SIFT-like
descriptors |
- Method resolution order:
- TMultiResDescOptions
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions::operator=(const struct mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions &) --> struct mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions &
- loadFromConfigFile(...)
- loadFromConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions, source: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions::loadFromConfigFile(const class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFile(...)
- saveToConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TMultiResDescOptions, cfg: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions::saveToConfigFile(class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) const --> void
Data descriptors defined here:
- basePSize
- baseline
- blurImage
- comHScl
- comLScl
- computeDepth
- computeHashCoeffs
- cropValue
- cx
- cy
- fx
- scales
- sg1
- sg2
- sg3
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions:
- dumpToConsole(...)
- dumpToConsole(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) -> None
Just like but sending the text to the console
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::dumpToConsole() const --> void
- loadFromConfigFileName(...)
- loadFromConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like loadFromConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name
and a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to load
the file.
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFileName(...)
- saveToConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like saveToConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name and
a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to save the
saveToConfigFile, loadFromConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) const --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TROI(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A structure for storing a 3D ROI |
- Method resolution order:
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TROI) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TROI, x1: float, x2: float, y1: float, y2: float, z1: float, z2: float) -> None
Data descriptors defined here:
- xMax
- xMin
- yMax
- yMin
- zMax
- zMin
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TRelativeFeaturePos(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
One relative feature observation entry, used with some relative
bundle-adjustment functions. |
- Method resolution order:
- TRelativeFeaturePos
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TRelativeFeaturePos) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TRelativeFeaturePos, _id_frame_base: int, _pos: mrpt::math::TPoint3D_<double>) -> None
Data descriptors defined here:
- id_frame_base
- pos
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TSequenceFeatureObservations(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A complete sequence of observations of features from different camera frames
This structure is the input to some (Bundle-adjustment) methods in
Pixel coordinates can be either "raw" or "undistorted". Read the doc
of functions handling this structure to see what they expect.
mrpt::vision::bundle_adj_full |
- Method resolution order:
- TSequenceFeatureObservations
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, size: int) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations
C++: mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations::operator=(const struct mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations &) --> struct mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations &
- decimateCameraFrames(...)
- decimateCameraFrames(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, decimate_ratio: int) -> None
Remove all but one out of camera frame IDs from the
list (eg: from N camera pose IDs at return there will be just
The algorithm first builds a sorted list of frame IDs, then keep the
lowest ID, remove the next "decimate_ratio-1", and so on.
After calling this you may want to call
C++: mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations::decimateCameraFrames(size_t) --> void
- loadFromTextFile(...)
- loadFromTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, filName: str) -> None
Load from a text file, in the format described in
std::exception On I/O or format error
C++: mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations::loadFromTextFile(const std::string &) --> void
- removeFewObservedFeatures(...)
- removeFewObservedFeatures(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. removeFewObservedFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations) -> int
2. removeFewObservedFeatures(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, minNumObservations: int) -> int
Remove all those features that don't have a minimum number of
observations from different camera frame IDs.
the number of erased entries.
After calling this you may want to call
C++: mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations::removeFewObservedFeatures(size_t) --> size_t
- saveToTextFile(...)
- saveToTextFile(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. saveToTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, filName: str) -> None
2. saveToTextFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TSequenceFeatureObservations, filName: str, skipFirstCommentLine: bool) -> None
Saves all entries to a text file, with each line having this format:
The file is self-descripting, since the first line contains a comment
line (starting with '%') explaining the format.
Generated files can be loaded from MATLAB.
std::exception On I/O error
C++: mrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations::saveToTextFile(const std::string &, bool) const --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TStereoSystemParams(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) |
Parameters associated to a stereo system |
- Method resolution order:
- TStereoSystemParams
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams
C++: mrpt::vision::TStereoSystemParams::operator=(const struct mrpt::vision::TStereoSystemParams &) --> struct mrpt::vision::TStereoSystemParams &
- loadFromConfigFile(...)
- loadFromConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams, source: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
C++: mrpt::vision::TStereoSystemParams::loadFromConfigFile(const class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) --> void
Data descriptors defined here:
- F
- K
- baseline
- factor_a
- factor_b
- factor_k
- maxY
- maxZ
- minZ
- stdDisp
- stdPixel
- uncPropagation
Data and other attributes defined here:
- Prop_Linear = <TUnc_Prop_Method.Prop_Linear: -1>
- Prop_SUT = <TUnc_Prop_Method.Prop_SUT: 1>
- Prop_UT = <TUnc_Prop_Method.Prop_UT: 0>
- TUnc_Prop_Method = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.vision.TStereoSystemParams.TUnc_Prop_Method'>
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions:
- dumpToConsole(...)
- dumpToConsole(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions) -> None
Just like but sending the text to the console
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::dumpToConsole() const --> void
- loadFromConfigFileName(...)
- loadFromConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like loadFromConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name
and a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to load
the file.
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) --> void
- saveToConfigFile(...)
- saveToConfigFile(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, target: mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase, section: str) -> None
This method saves the options to a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored
string list.
loadFromConfigFile, saveToConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFile(class mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase &, const std::string &) const --> void
- saveToConfigFileName(...)
- saveToConfigFileName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.config.CLoadableOptions, config_file: str, section: str) -> None
Behaves like saveToConfigFile, but you can pass directly a file name and
a temporary CConfigFile object will be created automatically to save the
saveToConfigFile, loadFromConfigFileName
C++: mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::saveToConfigFileName(const std::string &, const std::string &) const --> void
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| |