| |
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object)
- CClientTCPSocket
- CSerialPort
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object(builtins.object)
- CServerTCPSocket
- TFTDIDevice
class CClientTCPSocket(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream) |
A TCP socket that can be connected to a TCP server, implementing MRPT's
CStream interface for passing objects as well as generic read/write methods.
Unless otherwise noticed, operations are blocking.
Note that for convenience, DNS lookup is performed with a timeout
(default=3000ms), which can be changed by the static member
- Method resolution order:
- CClientTCPSocket
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- Seek(...)
- Seek(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. Seek(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, off: int) -> int
2. Seek(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, off: int, org: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream.TSeekOrigin) -> int
This virtual method has no effect in this implementation over a TCP
socket, and its use raises an exception
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::Seek(int64_t, enum mrpt::io::CStream::TSeekOrigin) --> uint64_t
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::operator=(const class mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket &) --> class mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket &
- close(...)
- close(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> None
Closes the connection
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::close() --> void
- connect(...)
- connect(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. connect(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, remotePartAddress: str, remotePartTCPPort: int) -> None
2. connect(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, remotePartAddress: str, remotePartTCPPort: int, timeout_ms: int) -> None
Establishes a connection with a remote part.
This string can be a host name, like "server"
or "www.mydomain.org", or an IP address "".
The port on the remote machine to connect to.
The timeout to wait for the connection (0: NO
This method raises an exception if an error is found with a
textual description of the error.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::connect(const std::string &, unsigned short, unsigned int) --> void
- getPosition(...)
- getPosition(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> int
This virtual method has no effect in this implementation over a TCP
socket, and its use raises an exception
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::getPosition() const --> uint64_t
- getReadPendingBytes(...)
- getReadPendingBytes(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> int
Return the number of bytes already in the receive queue (they can be
read without waiting)
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::getReadPendingBytes() --> size_t
- getSOSendBufffer(...)
- getSOSendBufffer(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> int
Return the current size of the SO send buffer.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::getSOSendBufffer() --> int
- getTCPNoDelay(...)
- getTCPNoDelay(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> int
Return the value of the TCPNoDelay option.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::getTCPNoDelay() --> int
- getTotalBytesCount(...)
- getTotalBytesCount(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> int
This virtual method has no effect in this implementation over a TCP
socket, and its use raises an exception
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::getTotalBytesCount() const --> uint64_t
- isConnected(...)
- isConnected(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket) -> bool
Returns true if this objects represents a successfully connected socket
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::isConnected() --> bool
- readAsync(...)
- readAsync(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. readAsync(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
2. readAsync(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, Buffer: capsule, Count: int, timeoutStart_ms: int) -> int
3. readAsync(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, Buffer: capsule, Count: int, timeoutStart_ms: int, timeoutBetween_ms: int) -> int
A method for reading from the socket with an optional timeout.
The destination of data.
The number of bytes to read.
The maximum timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for
the starting of data from the other side.
The maximum timeout (in milliseconds) to wait
for a chunk of data after a previous one.
Set timeout's to -1 to block until the desired number of bytes are
read, or an error happens.
The number of actually read bytes.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::readAsync(void *, size_t, const int, const int) --> size_t
- sendString(...)
- sendString(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, str: str) -> None
Writes a string to the socket.
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::sendString(const std::string &) --> void
- setSOSendBufffer(...)
- setSOSendBufffer(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, newValue: int) -> int
Set the size of the SO send buffer. This buffer is used to store data,
and is sended when is full.
New size of the SO send buffer.
Return a number lower than 0 if any error occurred.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::setSOSendBufffer(int) --> int
- setTCPNoDelay(...)
- setTCPNoDelay(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, newValue: int) -> int
Set the TCP no delay option of the protocol (Nagle algorithm).
New value (0 enable Nagle algorithm, 1 disable).
Return a number lower than 0 if any error occurred.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::setTCPNoDelay(int) --> int
- writeAsync(...)
- writeAsync(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. writeAsync(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
2. writeAsync(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket, Buffer: capsule, Count: int, timeout_ms: int) -> int
A method for writing to the socket with optional timeouts.
The method supports writing block by block as the socket allows us to
write more data.
The data.
The number of bytes to write.
The maximum timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for the
socket to be available for writing (for each block).
Set timeout's to -1 to block until the desired number of bytes are
written, or an error happens.
The number of actually written bytes.
C++: mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket::writeAsync(const void *, size_t, const int) --> size_t
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream:
- Read(...)
- Read(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for reading from the
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::Read(void *, size_t) --> size_t
- ReadBufferImmediate(...)
- ReadBufferImmediate(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
Reads a block of bytes from the stream into Buffer, and returns the
amound of bytes actually read, without waiting for more extra bytes to
arrive (just those already enqued in the stream).
Note that this method will fallback to ReadBuffer() in most CStream
classes but in some hardware-related classes.
std::exception On any error, or if ZERO bytes are read.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::ReadBufferImmediate(void *, size_t) --> size_t
- Write(...)
- Write(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to the stream.
Write attempts to write up to Count bytes to Buffer, and returns the
number of bytes actually written.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::Write(const void *, size_t) --> size_t
- getStreamDescription(...)
- getStreamDescription(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream) -> str
Returns a human-friendly description of the stream, e.g. a filename.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::getStreamDescription() const --> std::string
- getline(...)
- getline(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, out_str: str) -> bool
Reads from the stream until a `` character is found (`` characters
are ignored).
false on EOF or any other read error.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::getline(std::string &) --> bool
Data and other attributes inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream:
- TSeekOrigin = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream.TSeekOrigin'>
- sFromBeginning = <TSeekOrigin.sFromBeginning: 0>
- sFromCurrent = <TSeekOrigin.sFromCurrent: 1>
- sFromEnd = <TSeekOrigin.sFromEnd: 2>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class CSerialPort(mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream) |
A communications serial port implementing the interface mrpt::io::CStream.
On communication errors (eg. the given port number does not exist,
timeouts,...), most of the methods will
raise an exception of the class `std::exception`
The serial port to open is passed in the constructor in the form of a string
description, which is platform dependent.
In Windows they are numbered "COM1"-"COM4" and "\\.\COMXXX" for numbers
above. It is recomended to always use the prefix "\\.\" despite the actual
port number.
In Linux the name must refer to the device, for example: "ttyUSB0","ttyS0".
If the name string does not start with "/" (an absolute path), the
constructor will assume the prefix "/dev/".
- 1/DEC/2005: (JLBC) First version
- 20/DEC/2006: (JLBC) Integration into the MRPT framework
- 12/DEC/2007: (JLBC) Added support for Linux.
- 22/AUG/2017: (JLBC) Moved to new module mrpt-comms
Add the internal buffer to the Windows implementation also |
- Method resolution order:
- CSerialPort
- mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- Read(...)
- Read(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
Implements the virtual method responsible for reading from the stream -
Unlike CStream::ReadBuffer, this method will not raise an exception on
zero bytes read, as long as there is not any fatal error in the
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::Read(void *, size_t) --> size_t
- ReadString(...)
- ReadString(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. ReadString(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> str
2. ReadString(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, total_timeout_ms: int) -> str
3. ReadString(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, total_timeout_ms: int, out_timeout: bool) -> str
4. ReadString(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, total_timeout_ms: int, out_timeout: bool, eol_chars: str) -> str
Reads one text line from the serial port in POSIX "canonical mode".
This method reads from the serial port until one of the characters in
are found.
A line reception is finished when one of these
characters is found. Default: LF (10), CR (13).
If >0, the maximum number of milliseconds to
If provided, will hold true on return if a timeout
ocurred, false on a valid read.
The read string, without the final
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::ReadString(const int, bool *, const char *) --> std::string
- Seek(...)
- Seek(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. Seek(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, off: int) -> int
2. Seek(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, off: int, o: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream.TSeekOrigin) -> int
not applicable in a serial port
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::Seek(int64_t, enum mrpt::io::CStream::TSeekOrigin) --> uint64_t
- Write(...)
- Write(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::Write(const void *, size_t) --> size_t
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, arg0: str) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, portName: str, openNow: bool) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
4. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
5. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::operator=(const class mrpt::comms::CSerialPort &) --> class mrpt::comms::CSerialPort &
- close(...)
- close(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
Close the port. If is already closed, results in no action.
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::close() --> void
- getPosition(...)
- getPosition(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> int
not applicable in a serial port
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::getPosition() const --> uint64_t
- getTotalBytesCount(...)
- getTotalBytesCount(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> int
not applicable in a serial port
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::getTotalBytesCount() const --> uint64_t
- isOpen(...)
- isOpen(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> bool
Returns if port has been correctly open.
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::isOpen() const --> bool
- open(...)
- open(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. open(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
Open the port. If is already open results in no action.
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::open() --> void
2. open(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, COM_name: str) -> None
Open the given serial port. If it is already open and the name does not
match, an exception is raised.
std::exception On communication errors or a different serial
port already open.
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::open(const std::string &) --> void
- purgeBuffers(...)
- purgeBuffers(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort) -> None
Purge tx and rx buffers.
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::purgeBuffers() --> void
- setConfig(...)
- setConfig(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. setConfig(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, baudRate: int) -> None
2. setConfig(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, baudRate: int, parity: int) -> None
3. setConfig(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, baudRate: int, parity: int, bits: int) -> None
4. setConfig(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, baudRate: int, parity: int, bits: int, nStopBits: int) -> None
5. setConfig(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, baudRate: int, parity: int, bits: int, nStopBits: int, enableFlowControl: bool) -> None
Changes the configuration of the port.
0:No parity, 1:Odd, 2:Even (WINDOWS ONLY: 3:Mark,
The desired baud rate Accepted values: 50 -
Bits per word (typ. 8) Accepted values: 5,6,7,8.
Stop bits (typ. 1) Accepted values: 1,2
Whether to enable the hardware flow control
(RTS/CTS) (default=no)
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::setConfig(int, int, int, int, bool) --> void
- setSerialPortName(...)
- setSerialPortName(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, COM_name: str) -> None
Sets the serial port to open (it is an error to try to change this while
open yet).
open, close
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::setSerialPortName(const std::string &) --> void
- setTimeouts(...)
- setTimeouts(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CSerialPort, ReadIntervalTimeout: int, ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier: int, ReadTotalTimeoutConstant: int, WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier: int, WriteTotalTimeoutConstant: int) -> None
Changes the timeouts of the port, in milliseconds.
std::exception On communication errors
C++: mrpt::comms::CSerialPort::setTimeouts(int, int, int, int, int) --> void
Methods inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream:
- ReadBufferImmediate(...)
- ReadBufferImmediate(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, Buffer: capsule, Count: int) -> int
Reads a block of bytes from the stream into Buffer, and returns the
amound of bytes actually read, without waiting for more extra bytes to
arrive (just those already enqued in the stream).
Note that this method will fallback to ReadBuffer() in most CStream
classes but in some hardware-related classes.
std::exception On any error, or if ZERO bytes are read.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::ReadBufferImmediate(void *, size_t) --> size_t
- getStreamDescription(...)
- getStreamDescription(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream) -> str
Returns a human-friendly description of the stream, e.g. a filename.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::getStreamDescription() const --> std::string
- getline(...)
- getline(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream, out_str: str) -> bool
Reads from the stream until a `` character is found (`` characters
are ignored).
false on EOF or any other read error.
C++: mrpt::io::CStream::getline(std::string &) --> bool
Data and other attributes inherited from mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream:
- TSeekOrigin = <class 'mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.io.CStream.TSeekOrigin'>
- sFromBeginning = <TSeekOrigin.sFromBeginning: 0>
- sFromCurrent = <TSeekOrigin.sFromCurrent: 1>
- sFromEnd = <TSeekOrigin.sFromEnd: 2>
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class CServerTCPSocket(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A TCP socket that can be wait for client connections to enter.
Unless otherwise noticed, operations are blocking. |
- Method resolution order:
- CServerTCPSocket
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, listenPort: int) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, listenPort: int, IPaddress: str) -> None
3. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, listenPort: int, IPaddress: str, maxConnectionsWaiting: int) -> None
4. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, listenPort: int, IPaddress: str, maxConnectionsWaiting: int, verbosityLevel: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.system.VerbosityLevel) -> None
5. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket) -> None
- accept(...)
- accept(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. accept(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket
2. accept(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, timeout_ms: int) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CClientTCPSocket
Waits for an incoming connection (indefinitely, or with a given timeout)
The returned object represents the new connection, and MUST BE deleted
by the user when no longer needed.
The timeout for the waiting, in milliseconds. Set this
to "-1" to disable timeout (i.e. timeout=infinite)
The incoming connection, or nullptr on timeout or error.
C++: mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket::accept(int) --> class std::unique_ptr<class mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket>
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket
C++: mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket::operator=(const class mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket &) --> class mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket &
- isListening(...)
- isListening(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.CServerTCPSocket) -> bool
Returns true if the socket was successfully open and it's bound to the
desired port.
C++: mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket::isListening() --> bool
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
class TFTDIDevice(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object) |
A list of FTDI devices and their descriptors.
CInterfaceFTDI::ListAllDevices |
- Method resolution order:
- TFTDIDevice
- pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(...)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
1. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice) -> None
2. __init__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice, arg0: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice) -> None
- __str__(...)
- __str__(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice) -> str
- assign(...)
- assign(self: mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice, : mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice) -> mrpt.pymrpt.mrpt.comms.TFTDIDevice
C++: mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice::operator=(const struct mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice &) --> struct mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice &
Data descriptors defined here:
- ftdi_description
- ftdi_manufacturer
- ftdi_serial
- usb_idProduct
- usb_idVendor
- usb_serialNumber
Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| |