SRBA: Sparser Relative Bundle Adjustment
Sparser Relative Bundle Adjustment (SRBA): a C++ framework for relative SLAM:
See and "<i>The SRBA guide</i>" (PDF) for references and further theoretical and coding information.
The main classes are:
All demos can be found under the directory `examples/cpp`. Compile them by enabling the CMake flag `BUILD_EXAMPLES`.
First, include SRBA headers and declare the intention to use symbols under namespace `srba`:
#include <srba.h> #include <mrpt/gui.h> // For rendering results as a 3D scene #include <mrpt/random.h> using namespace srba; using namespace mrpt::random; using namespace std;
Now, configure your SLAM problem by defining all the required template arguments:
struct RBA_OPTIONS : public RBA_OPTIONS_DEFAULT { // typedef ecps::local_areas_fixed_size edge_creation_policy_t; //!< One of the most important choices: how to construct the relative coordinates graph problem // typedef options::sensor_pose_on_robot_none sensor_pose_on_robot_t; //!< The sensor pose coincides with the robot pose // typedef options::observation_noise_identity obs_noise_matrix_t; //!< The sensor noise matrix is the same for all observations and equal to \sigma * I(identity) // typedef options::solver_LM_schur_dense_cholesky solver_t; //!< Solver algorithm (Default: Lev-Marq, with Schur, with dense Cholesky) }; typedef RbaEngine< kf2kf_poses::SE2, // Parameterization of KF-to-KF poses landmarks::Euclidean2D, // Parameterization of landmark positions observations::RangeBearing_2D, // Type of observations RBA_OPTIONS > my_srba_t;
Next, declare the SRBA object instance and set up the main algorithm parameters:
my_srba_t rba; // Create an empty RBA problem // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set parameters // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rba.setVerbosityLevel( 1 ); // 0: None; 1:Important only; 2:Verbose rba.parameters.srba.use_robust_kernel = false; // true rba.parameters.obs_noise.std_noise_observations = 0.05; //SENSOR_NOISE_STD; // =========== Topology parameters =========== rba.parameters.srba.max_tree_depth = rba.parameters.srba.max_optimize_depth = 3; // ===========================================
Once you want to create a new Keyframe, first create the corresponding sensory observations:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define observations of KF #0: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_srba_t::new_kf_observations_t list_obs; my_srba_t::new_kf_observation_t obs_field; obs_field.is_fixed = false; // Landmarks have unknown relative positions (i.e. treat them as unknowns to be estimated) obs_field.is_unknown_with_init_val = false; // We don't have any guess on the initial LM position (will invoke the inverse sensor model) for (size_t i=0;i<sizeof(observations_0)/sizeof(observations_0[0]);i++) { obs_field.obs.feat_id = observations_0[i].landmark_id; obs_field.obs.obs_data.range = observations_0[i].range + randomGenerator.drawGaussian1D(0,SENSOR_NOISE_STD); obs_field.obs.obs_data.yaw = observations_0[i].yaw + randomGenerator.drawGaussian1D(0,SENSOR_NOISE_STD); list_obs.push_back( obs_field ); }
then call srba::RbaEngine::define_new_keyframe() to create the new KeyFrame and optimize the local area:
// Here happens the main stuff: create Key-frames, build structures, run optimization, etc. // ============================================================================================ my_srba_t::TNewKeyFrameInfo new_kf_info; rba.define_new_keyframe( list_obs, // Input observations for the new KF new_kf_info, // Output info true // Also run local optimization? ); cout << "Created KF #" << new_kf_info.kf_id << " | # kf-to-kf edges created:" << new_kf_info.created_edge_ids.size() << endl << "Optimization error: " << new_kf_info.optimize_results.total_sqr_error_init << " -> " << new_kf_info.optimize_results.total_sqr_error_final << endl << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
Repeat the last two steps (create observations, define keyframes) for each new Keyframe.
At any moment you can create a 3D view of the SLAM state:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show 3D view of the resulting map: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_srba_t::TOpenGLRepresentationOptions opengl_options; mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjectsPtr rba_3d = mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Create(); rba.build_opengl_representation( 0, // Root KF, opengl_options, // Rendering options rba_3d // Output scene ); // Display: #if MRPT_HAS_WXWIDGETS mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D win("RBA results",640,480); { mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScenePtr &scene = win.get3DSceneAndLock(); scene->insert(rba_3d); win.unlockAccess3DScene(); } win.setCameraZoom( 4 ); win.repaint(); cout << "Press any key or close window to exit.\n"; win.waitForKey(); #endif
or save the graph in Graphviz DOT format for debugging:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saving RBA graph as a DOT file: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const string sFil = ""; cout << "Saving final graph of KFs and LMs to: " << sFil << endl; rba.save_graph_as_dot(sFil, true /* LMs=save */); cout << "Done.\n";